Local News

Volunteers Seek to Fine Tune Recycling Practices

Incorrect recycling practices have become an issue for those volunteering at the Hebron Recycling Center.

“We’re in danger of losing recycling,” said Chuck Fink at this month’s city council meeting.

Fink, who volunteers through the Boy Scouts of America, pointed out problems such as people placing recyclables in the wrong trailers and others who leave their items outside the trailers only to be rained on or blown away.

Carlece Kenner, a volunteer through the Girl Scouts of America, and Fink wish to remind people on the proper ways to recycle.

“We’re saving the landfill at least 15 tons of garbage,” said Kenner.

She is glad  recycling is an important value to locals but hopes contributors will go the extra mile to properly donate things.

“Like all good things, if we abuse it, we’ll lose it,” said Kenner.

There are three separate trailers people may place recyclables in.

One is for cardboard only. The cardboard must be corrugated, meaning that one must be able to see lines between the two sides. No papers, egg cartons, cereal boxes or Kleenex boxes are allowed. This trailer is sorted out by the Boy Scouts.

In the second trailer, newspapers, magazines and phone books are accepted. Each of these items should be separated when dropped off. There are large boxes marked for magazines and phone books and a separate pile for newspapers. This trailer is also managed by Boy Scout volunteers.

The third trailer accepts plastics and is taken care of by local Girl Scouts. Volunteers ask for those dropping off plastic items to remember to take off lids and rinse out bottles.

Volunteers also ask that participants pay close attention to the list of acceptable items: Just because something is recyclable does not mean that the organization Hebron goes through is able to recycle it.

Hebron’s recycling day is the third Saturday of every month. The next date is this Saturday, August 15.

Volunteers encourage those wishing to recycle to wait until that Saturday to bring their recyclables to the trailers.

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