Local store owner dresses up store front
With just craft paint, a dry erase marker and a vision in her head, Jamie Luttrell brings to life paintings on the windows of the True Value Hardware store in downtown Hebron.
These paintings aren’t just part of the job, they’re something that co-owner Jamie Luttrell enjoys doing.
“It started out as something to do so I could spend some time outside,” she said.
She starts the process by first tracing her vision with a dry erase marker on the inside. Then she will start with paint and a brush on the outside of the window.
Usually, the process will take Luttrell two days to complete, but even longer if the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Having taken just a few art classes throughout her school years, she says most of her artistic ability comes from what her mom taught her. Her mom has helped her on some bigger projects, but most of the projects are done solely by Luttrell.
Since she began the paintings in December of 2010, Luttrell has worked on other paintings in her home as well as some requests by other people. She has had requests ranging from barn quilts to windows of other buildings.
“When people pay me to paint something for them, it almost makes me feel guilty to get paid to do something I enjoy so much, but I’m so thankful that they give me the opportunity,” Luttrell said.
Once she noticed the blank wall on the west side of the True Value Hardware building, she knew it was perfect canvas for a new different painting: the store’s logo.
“It’s one of those things that takes a while to notice, and I like that about it,” she said.
After her husband requested something “more manly,” the logo was painted to look like it was steel beams and had been smashed into the side of the building.
The logo project took her close to a month to complete due to issues with sunlight drying the paint.
Although right now Luttrell only has time to do about two paintings a year, she is hoping in the future she can find time to do more.