Local News

Two Plea Agreements in District Court: One Man Sentenced

In the March district court session Judge Vicki Johnson listened to two pleas and sentenced another man.

Larry Sharp, 44, was ordered to pay fines of $663.62 for an attempted violation of the sex offender registration in August 2014. Sharp was convicted in January 2000 of attempted sexual assault of a child in Nuckolls County.

Gary Little III, 24,  entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors and pled guilty to one count of theft, a class three felony. His bond was reinstated $5,000 at 10 percent. Little was arrested in August 2014 when he and a friend, Nickalas Lutt, were charged with breaking into cars and stealing items such as a laptop and a pistol. Sentencing is set for May 7 at 9:45 a.m.

Breana Zoubek, 19, also entered into a plea agreement and pled guilty to one count of attempted theft, a class four felony. She is charged with stealing two transformers from Norris Public Power District. Zoubek was arrested in July 2014 along with Andrew Collins, also charged with stealing the transformers. Her other case, in which she was charged with the theft (C3F) of a four-wheeler and burglary (C3F) of the Pioneer Inn in Gilead was dismissed. Her sentencing is set for May 7 at 10 a.m.

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