Local News

Remembering Our Fallen

“Remembering Our Fallen,” an exhibit reminding locals of the ultimate sacrifice made by over 80 Nebraskans killed in The War on Terror while wearing our country’s uniform in Afghanistan or Iraq will be on display next week at Thayer Central Community Schools.

“The warriors of the 21st Century, professionals, who volunteered to join the United States Armed Forces, grew up in the shadow of September 11, 2001, a defining moment for most of them,” says exhibit co-creator Bill Williams. “They come from all walks of life and every corner of our country, daring to go where so many never would. They retain the face of freedom and build upon the legacies of those who went before them in a cause greater than themselves.”

“Remembering Our Fallen” will be on display from April 8-12 at the Thayer Central Intermediate School. An opening ceremony will take place Monday, April 8, at 2:30 p.m., in the Thayer Central Intermediate School gymnasium.

“We can never forget those who sacrificed everything for our freedom,” Williams added. “We must remember these American heroes and speak their names when we see their family members. This exhibit is created so it can travel easily throughout Nebraska, so that more people will have the opportunity to honor and remember Nebraska’s Fallen.”

The display, open to everyone, will be available for viewing in the gym daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesday night, April 10 until 9 p.m. There is no charge for this event or to view the exhibit.

Remembering Our Fallen was created by Bill and Evonne Williams of Patriotic Productions, Omaha. If you would like to host the display, please contact Bill Williams of Patriotic Productions at bwilliams@rememberingourfallen.org or 402-612-0210. More information is available at: www.rememberingourfallen.org.

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