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TC students take a stand against bullying

Every seven seconds, someone somewhere is bullied. On April 20 Thayer Central Junior High TCHCC members and Thayer Central Elementary students joined forces to take a stand against bullying by participating in Stand for the Silent Day.

Stand for the Silent is a national anti-bullying movement started in Oklahoma in response to the suicide of 11-year-old Ty Smalley, who killed himself after being suspended for retaliating against the bully who had picked on him for two years. Smalley’s parents, Kirk and Laura Smalley, were in Lincoln and surrounding communities two weeks ago sharing their story.

The TCHCC members started the ceremony by explaining how Stand for the Silent was started and how it is important to always stand up for others. Then the students stood in silence for seven seconds and released blue balloons with messages inside them. After the balloons were out of sight, the TCHCC members led the elementary in the anti-bullying pledge.

From this day forward, I promise to respect those around me as well as respect myself.

I am somebody, and I can make a difference.

I can make another feel loved. I can be the helping hand that leads another back to a path of hope and aspiration. I will not stand silent as others try to spread hatred through my community.

Instead, I pledge to lift up these victims and show them that their lives matter.

I will be the change because I am somebody.

Each class was asked to sign the pledge and their classroom teachers will display them in their rooms as a constant reminder that everyone must be willing to Take A Stand Against Bullying.

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