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Thayer Central Elementary Principal Receives Award

On Tuesday, March 17, Drew Harris, Thayer Central School superintendent, presented Kurk Wiedel, elementary school principal of Thayer Central, the 2015 NRCSA Outstanding Principal Award after the fifth and sixth grade Operetta.

The award is given by the Nebraska Rural and Community Schools Association (NRCSA), an organization that represents over 180 rural school districts in Nebraska.  Each year NRCSA selects recipients for seven awards. Nominations for the awards are made by educators in member schools.

Wiedel started his teaching career at Thayer Central in 1986.

He has been the elementary principal for 14 years.

He was selected for the award in recognition of his efforts to make Thayer Central Elementary a positive learning environment for students.

Wiedel has implemented many programs to benefit the students of Thayer Central including monthly family fun nights, Walk Wednesday, the Titan Branch Bank, the Snack Shack, the Healthy School initiative, Rising Stars Preschool, brain breaks, Grandparent’s Day, field trips and even dressing up in costumes each year with a special learning theme to show kids that learning can be fun.

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