Vosses Contribute Grant Sponsorship

Hebron Secrest Library applied for and was awarded a Libri Grant. The Libri Foundation is a national non-profit organization that donates new high quality children’s books to small rural public libraries through its “Books for Children” program. The Foundation has donated over $5.8 million worth of new children’s books to more than 3,300 libraries in all 50 states.
The Libri Foundation provides all participating libraries with a book list of about 600 titles to make selections, said Secrest Librarian Terry Olson.
“This gives us a wonderful opportunity to fill gaps in our collection, replace old and dearly loved books, and explore new authors. We will be ordering a large variety of fiction and non-fiction titles to satisfy as many of our young readers as possible.”
The Foundation will match sponsorship funds up to $350 on a two-to-one ratio. “Jeremy and Jeannine Voss have graciously offered to fund the grant sponsorship portion in full,” Olson said. “This fall we will celebrate with a children’s program showcasing these books.”