Local News

Glass bricks coming out, glass panes going in

Workers are replacing the glass bricks in the courthouse with new glass panes as the courthouse renovation continues. Pictured above, the new panes can be seen to the left of worker while the old glass brick windows are shown to the right. Each glass brick must be removed separately creating noisy working conditions inside the marbled vestibules of the courthouse.

The blocks were added in 1972 as attested to in a Hebron Journal-Register article by 2nd district county commissioner Ed Cording published Jan. 19, 1972. He said “We continue to try to improve the courthouse or at least keep it up to the standard we think the taxpayers have the right to expect. The windows in the top floor have been replaced with glass block windows and air conditioning was installed. This should make the upper floor less drafty and much easier to heat the whole Courthouse. The upper floor is now fully occupied with District Judge Coady in one office and County Attorney Hubbard in the other. The Sheriff and Clerk of District Court are also on this floor but they are well known to all of you and need no mention here. Heavier wiring was also run to the jail at the same time to alleviate the power shortage there.

In the new plan, the upstairs floor where the blocks are currently being replaced, will be the location of both county and district courts.

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