Legion Seniors to Host Wood Bat Tourney This Weekend

The unmistakable “TING” of aluminum bats hitting the pliable leather of baseballs seems to be the perfect sound to ring in the warm days of summer. That sound has been resounding throughout the Hebron Sports Complex for the last three weeks as area youth take to the diamonds.
The Hebron Senior Legion games are also well underway; the squad has already played six games and is currently 5-1. Coached by Mark Hintz, the team is getting ready to host the second annual wood bat tournament dedicated to the fight against cancer. Funds collected from the event will be donated to the American Cancer Society during its annual Relay for Life event in Hebron on July 25.
As last year, pink bats will be in use for the tourney. Locals and area businesses can sponsor the bats, which will be signed by all the players, and when the tournament is over, those sponsors get to keep them. “Even if they’re broken,” said tournament organizer Loren Goedeken. “Last year the sponsors were more than happy to accept their bats, even the broken ones, after the tourney.”
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