Local News

Local man arrested for child porn

Christian Hansen, 33, of Davenport, faces four felony charges for distribution and possession of child pornography. He appeared in Thayer County court for his arraignment where Judge J. Patrick McArdle bound his case over to district court. He is scheduled to appear there on June 16 at 9:30 a.m., and will be represented by defense attorney Wayne L Garrison.

According to the arrest affidavit on file at the Thayer County Courthouse, Hansen was arrested on May 2 after his computer was found to be using file sharing software. Hansen, whose address is listed as 108 Fir Avenue, Davenport, was arrested at 220 Park Avenue, in Hebron.

The distribution charge, a class 1D felony, carries a penalty of a maximum of 50 years and minimum of three years in prison. In the affidavit, the charge is described as the distribution of a depiction of sexually explicit activity involving a child.

The three possession charges, all class III felonies, and described as possessing the depiction of sexually explicit activity involving a child, carry a maximum fine of $500 with no minimum, and/or up to three months in jail with no minimum.
Hansen is currently out of jail having posted ten percent of a $100,000 bond.

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