Thayer County holds annual Relay For Life

Thayer Countians celebrated the American Cancer Society’s battle against cancer last Friday night in the annual American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life fund raising walk and over night event. Locals gathered at the Deshler High School track to participate in the activities.
Along with a break in the weather, the nearly 1,200 luminaries encircling the DHS track lifted spirits of those attending the Relay. Spirits were further lifted by speaker, Terry Kriz; Pam Pearson’s “celebrate, remember, fight back” presentation; applauding survivors and caregivers as they walked the first lap and much more throughout the evening.
A lively auction of donated items conducted by Lyle Pitts and Brian Isernhagen set a record and was enjoyed by all.
According to local Relay organizer Naomi Grupe, Thayer County has been the top per-capita fund-raiser in the High Plains Division for five of the last seven years. “This year’s goal of $49,000 seems certain to be surpassed by at least $1,500; a tribute to all who supported Relay for Life,” she said.
“We can be proud of the many young people of Thayer County involved in Relay, too. On Saturday morning, staff partner, Sherry Knapp of Lincoln opened an envelope containing $1,800 from the Hebron Senior Girl Scouts, the amount left in their treasury at the end of the year. Other youth involved were 4-H members, church youth groups, Thayer Central volleyball team, younger Girl Scouts from Hebron and members of the Thayer County Healthy Communities Coalition. Thanks to everyone for giving us optimism that their futures, as well as ours, will be brighter through cancer research, prevention and treatments.”
For more photos from the annual event, click on the photos prompt at the top of this page.