Local News

Hebron First Street Bridge Repairs

An entirely new bridge is to be built in Hebron on First Street after early May flooding completely washed it away.

The bridge is an important community staple because it is part of one of the main routes to Thayer County Health Services as well as to the golf course.

The total bridge deck, peers and abutments were destroyed.

The State and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have already visited to survey the damage.

Construction could begin as early as next spring, according to George Gerdes, Thayer County Road superintendant. Repairs could be done by fall of 2016.

Since the bridge is on a Federal Aid Route, the Nebraska Department of Roads will be overseeing the project.

The project will be funded 80 percent by FHWA and 20 percent by the county.

The state has already started on the project by surveying and taking core samples.

Before the building can begin, the old bridge will need to be removed from the creek channel and the channel must be repaired.

According to Gerdes, there are five other bridges and five bridge type structures  damaged beyond repair in the county.

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