Local News

Mail pick-up time changes start April 24

Daily mail pick-up service time changes could be taking place as soon as April 24, says Hebron Postmaster Mike Prellwitz. The time changes are quite significant, he said, noting Hebron’s outgoing mail will be picked up at 3:30 p.m. each day instead of the current 5:15 p.m.

The shaved hours are proposed as a means of saving money for the cash-strapped US Postal Service. A similar proposal was made a couple of years ago, but was not enacted. Prellwitz said that although the pick-up service times are “proposed,” the Hebron post office has changed the times on outside mailboxes. If the changes do occur, he said, it will be on April 24 for the local area.

Proposed mail pick-up time changes for post offices in Thayer County include:
Alexandria–2:29 p.m., Bruning–2:54 p.m., Byron–2:40 p.m., Carleton–2:40 p.m., Chester–3:15 p.m., Davenport–3 p.m., Deshler–3:05 p.m., Gilead–3:50 p.m., Hebron–3:30 p.m., Hubbell–3:30 p.m.

Time changes for other area post offices include:
Fairbury–4:25 p.m., Ohiowa–3:17 p.m., Reynolds–3:45 p.m., Shickley–3:40 p.m., Strang–4 p.m.

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