Patriotic Pillowcases

Several years ago, Dianne Meyer, Thayer County Health Services Director of Family Services was looking for a way to say “thank you” to veterans. Together with the Creative Clovers 4-H Club, Meyer now presents handmade pillowcases by the 4-H members and their parents on patriotic print fabrics to veterans staying at the hospital, along with thank you cards for their service and dedication. The TCHS hospital guild initially provided the fabric and employees made them. For this batch of pillowcases, the Thrivent Action Team awarded a $250 grant. Pictured with their pillowcases are (Front row, left to right) Taryn Degenhardt, Calli Degenhardt and Sonia Heinrichs. (Middle) Aydrian Meyer, Keirsten Heinrichs, Peyton Fangmeier, Olivia Wiedel, Atlie Wiedel and Cambria Kunc. (Back) Katholene Fangmeier, Mason Remmers, Kinzie Remmers, Morgan Fangmeier, Megan Lukert, Chloe Hintz, Adam Lukert, David Burd and Dianne Meyer.