Reinke builds new facility
Reinke Manufacturing held a ribbon cutting ceremony for its new manufacturing facility in Belleville, Kan. on June 26.
The new 30,000 square foot facility is located next to the existing electrical assembly facility. This existing facility currently employs close to 50 people. The newest facility is expected to add 50 more jobs.
By adding this additional space, Reinke not only added jobs but also expanded their manufacturing capabilibites. At the new facility they will be manufacturing parts to use in the construction of their mechanized irrigation equipment such as truss rods, hooks and receivers.
Reinke Manufacturing has three sites where it manufactures parts: Deshler, Belleville and Beijing, China.
Due to increasing demand for their products, Reinke’s announced plans to expand the Belleville facility last fall.
“Irrigation is a key component in increasing food supply,” said Chris Roth, Reinke President.
Along with Reinke President Chris Roth, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and Belleville Mayor Tatum Couture spoke at the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Following the ceremony, tours were given of the electrical assembly facility beside the new building.
Reinke’s hopes to have the new facility completely operational in 90 days, but it will come on line in phases before that time.